Deaf/Hard of Hearing (DHH) Services
If you are in need of DHH services, we offer several services including sign language interpreters, real-time captioning, and assistive listening devices. You can receive these services at different times. Listed below is the information on when and how to schedule services.
DHH Services in your Classes
For in class services, follow these steps:
- Contact the front desk in D-209 or at (626) 585-7127 to set up an appointment with your Teacher Specialist and/or LARS Counselor.
- Discuss classroom accommodations with your Teacher Specialist and/or LARS Counselor at your scheduled appointment.
Complete/update and sign your Academic Accommodations Plan before leaving the meeting. LARS staff will arrange for the appropriate in-class accommodations immediately after that.
DHH Services Outside of Class Activities
To receive DHH services outside of class activities, contact Leticia Velez at or call office phone (626) 585-7567 remote (626) 788-3171 as soon as possible to make arrangements.
DHH Services During Finals
During finals, you will receive an email requesting specific instructions for services during finals. Please respond as needed.